Serie Inca Onset

Designed to deliver the high-volume production needs of graphic display print providers, the Onset X Series of UV flatbed inkjet presses deliver unrivalled print quality at high print speeds. La combinación de la ingeniería y el conocimiento de imágenes de Inca Digital y la experiencia en formulación de tintas UV de FUJIFILM proporciona tintas de clase mundial y confiabilidad mecánica. A major evolution of Inca’s pioneering ‘Scalable Architecture’ concept, each Onset X printer is based on a new common scalable architecture platform which features a larger 25-zone vacuum table and UV control system to eliminate masking, and - uniquely among high-end large-format flatbed printers - a carriage that can incorporate up to 14 ink channels. This allows print service providers to configure their Onset X printer for the combination of productivity, color and quality that best matches their changing production requirements. The Onset X Series includes five models – the X1-LT, X1, X2, and X3 - and can be configured with automation for optimum throughput. Onset X is, quite simply, the ultimate printing machine in productivity, profitability and print quality.

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